Darwin's Theories Blog

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JavaOne without Moscone Center?

Back from the dead

After a very long and uncomfortable silence, Oracle, having passed the last(?) regulatory hurdle to their acquisition of Sun Microsystems, today announced that the JavaOne conference will in fact go ahead - this year. It will be co-located, but not merged, with Oracle OpenWorld; this year's dates are September 19-23 in San Francisco. That means there is still time for the refereed-paper approach that has been used in past JavaOnes. Partly since Moscone cannot hold all the attendees who would take part in both programs, and partly to reinforce the fact that it's not merged, JavaOne will be held in three hotels near Moscone (the huge keynotes will however be held in Moscone). I was heartened to hear Justin Kestylin of Oracle say that they want to "maintain the soul of JavaOne." We shall of course be watching to see how well they do at that.

JavaOne will also be going on the road: the "Sun Tech Days" program will be replaced by regional JavaOne conferences; the initial locations over the next year will be China, India, Russia and Brazil.

There is an FAQ coming within the next day on Oracle Developer Network. The following programs will be preserved: java.net, java.sun.com, Java Community Process, and others.

Watch otn.oracle.com for the FAQ - I'll update this with the link once it's available.
