All The Links to All The Things
Reporting Errors and Omissions
Contact Me
Consulting/Sales: RejmiNet Group Inc.
Privacy Statement
My son Andrej, 1989-2014, in our hearts forever
Anthropomorphic Climate Change, aka global warming, global heating
Electric Vehicles (EVs) help the climate
Archive of old stuff
Blogs I sometimes read
Causes I support
History of Computing
Sustainable Technology and Buying Decisions
Free Crosswords
Training in Technology
Java - the high-level, portable language and environment
Java Resources
Java Web Frameworks list
OpenBSD: the proactively-secure Unix-based system
Unix Text Processing Tools
About the Python language and environment
Three-dimensional printing
Asterisk and VOIP (Voice Over IP)
About Mobile Development
Flutter, the cross-platform dev framework
Android, the mainly-open-source dev framework
Medly, the medical smartphone app I helped develop
The books I've written (and some I've read)
Fifthcoming book about Java Database
Historical Open Look CD-ROM project
An opinionated glossary of computer terms
Free Software
General page on Freeware
The fine free file(1) command I wrote for Unix/Linux
jpsTrack, mobile app to record GPS tracks, for
OpenStreetMap, Google Earth, etc.
CrashBurnFree, a Java library for remote crash reporting
DarwinSys-API, my tiny library of Java utilities
PageUnit, simple web testing tool
Annabot, assertions testing framework for Java
PassMaker, mobile app for password generation in a hurry
Humor, Miscellany, etc.
Intelligent Humor, sometimes NSFW
Intelligent PhD/PostDoc humor
Other people using the name Ian Darwin