- Sheldon Richman's Why WikiLeaks Matters
- Fred Branfman on WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us
- CBS news on How WikiLeaks Enlightened Us in 2010
- Martha Rosenberg with some interesting (but unsubstantiated) claims that US government agencies kill millions (literally) of blackbirds, 1000 times more than the 1000 that died in Arkansas
- John McWhorter on Getting Darnell Off The Corners: Why America Should Ride The Anti-Drug Wave (alternate title: Why Legalizing Drugs—All Of Them—Is The Only Path To A New Black America)
- Cambridge University refuses to bend over to the "house of cards" and censor a students research into pin-chip card insecurity. Professor Ross Anderson's response is a delight.
- Eliezer Yudkowsky on Why Our Kind Can't Cooperate (where "our kinds" is defined as computer geeks, libertarians, rationalists, etc.)
- Kyung Hee Kim on the precipitous decline of productivity among American schoolchildren
- Bradford Schmidt on expected sub-00 Android smartphones (no-contract price). Maybe this will be the death knell of smartphone subsidies; why lock into a 3-year contract at 0/month when you can buy the phone for 00 and get service at 0 or 0/month?