My first try was to save the whole document as PDF, and use pdftk to split it.
pdftk 01_About.pdf burst
Did the split, creating 35 nice one-page PDF's so fast I had to check that they existed.
Then copy them over to the next workstation, only to find that the software there doesn't accept PDF's. PDFTK: Success; receiving software: FAIL!
Take II. GhostScript. After a couple of tries due to my own typing errors, this worked:
gs -sDEVICE=jpeg -r100x100 -sOutputFile=01/slides/slide%02d.jpg 01_About.pdf
Bingo! 35 JPEG files of about the right size. Veektory...
Reply from Anonymous at 2011-03-26 16:20:15.305
A test comment. Please ignore.